
Sigrid on-premise: Analysis configuration

This documentation covers on-premise Sigrid. It is not applicable for cloud-based Sigrid.


Your development platform will need access to the Sigrid On-Premise Docker containers.

Each system to be analyzed needs an analysis configuration in the form of a file called sigrid.yaml in the root directory of the system. Typically, this configuration is maintained by the developers responsible for the system and consequently is not discussed here. Developers are referred to the analysis configuration reference.

Sigrid’s analyses require access to an S3-compatible object store. This can be Amazon’s implementation, or an on-premise equivalent that supports Amazon’s S3 API, such as MinIO or Ceph.

Sigrid’s analysis image includes s5cmd to access the object store, which is based on the official Amazon S3 SDK. Because it is based on the official Amazon S3 SDK, it supports all authentication methods that Amazon provides. Typically, in a CI/CD environment, the AWS S3 SDK uses environment variables to hold an access key. Consequently, typically the following environment variables need to be set:

Configuring pipeline jobs

For on-premise solutions, we expect that source code is analyzed in a job in a CI/CD pipeline. In this document, we use GitLab as the example CI/CD environment. As analysis is based on a Docker image, any CI/CD environment that can run Docker containers will do.

The following GitLab job illustrates how to run an analysis:

    # Pulls from the private part of SIG's registry at Docker Hub; you may need to log in first, or replace this with the image name as cached in your internal registry:
    name: "softwareimprovementgroup/sigrid-multi-analyzer:$SIGRID_VERSION"
    # These are all environment variables. For defaults, see the table below.
    # Note that typically, all environment variables marked as "shared" in the table
    # below would be set globally in the CI/CD environment:
    CUSTOMER: "company_name"
    SIGRID_URL: ""
    SIGRID_CI_TOKEN: "secret"
    BUCKET: "some-bucket"
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "some-id"
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "also-secret"
    AWS_REGION: "us-east-1"
    - "run-analyzers --publish"

Note that the image name contains a reference to the Docker image tag ($SIGRID_VERSION in this example). It is important that the tag matches the tags used in Sigrid’s Helm chart: all components of Sigrid must always use the same version. SIG recommends using an environment-wide variable instead of hardcoding the tag.

In GitLab, a CI/CD pipeline job with an image property starts the named Docker image, mounts a directory into it where it (automatically) checks out the source code of the current project, and runs the command(s) provided in the script tag. Other CI/CD environments provide a similar structure, although details may differ:

The run-analyzers script takes one optional command line parameter:

Sigrid CI environment variables

Sigrid CI is configured with environment variables. The following table lists all environment variables with their defaults, if any. All that do not have a default value are required. We distinguish two types of environment variables:

Variable Shared? Default
AWS_REGION Yes us-east-1


Getting import job status and logs

When running an analysis in an on-premise deployment of Sigrid, from time to time it might be needed to inspect the status and/or logs of Kubernetes jobs started by Sigrid. There are three endpoints available for this purpose:

These endpoints are part of Sigrid’s external API, and consequently are called in the same way, using an authentication tokens as bearer token.

Assuming your token is stored in an environment variable called SIGRID_CI_TOKEN, the endpoint can be invoked using curl on Linux or MacOS like so:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $SIGRID_CI_TOKEN"{partner}/{customer}/{system}

where {partner}, {customer} and {system} are placeholders.

Or the equivalent for PowerShell:

Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $Env:SIGRID_CI_TOKEN"} -Uri "{partner}/{customer}/{system}" | Format-Table

The GET /rest/inboundresults/imports/{partner}/{customer}/{system} endpoint returns an array of job statuses for the given system, as JSON:

Example response
    "name": "EXAMPLE-NAME",
    "status": "Failed",
    "creationTime": "2025-01-10T11:58:09Z",
    "startTime": "2025-01-10T11:58:09Z",
    "completed": 0,
    "running": 0,
    "ready": 0,
    "failed": 4,
    "conditions": [
        "type": "Failed",
        "status": "True",
        "reason": "BackoffLimitExceeded",
        "message": "Job has reached the specified backoff limit",
        "lastProbeTime": "2025-01-10T12:01:13Z",
        "lastTransitionTime": "2025-01-10T12:01:13Z"

The name property of the metadata object is the name of the job that can be used to retrieve job details and logs with the GET /rest/inboundresults/imports/{partner}/{customer}/{system}/{job} endpoint and GET /rest/inboundresults/imports/{partner}/{customer}/{system}/{job}/logs endpoint. The endpoints discussed in this section are thin wrappers around the equivalent endpoints of the Kubernetes API, see the Kubernetes documentation for a detailed discussion of the response properties.

The GET /rest/inboundresults/imports/{partner}/{customer}/{system}/{job} endpoint returns a job status object for the given job name, as JSON:

Example response
  "name": "EXAMPLE-NAME",
  "status": "Failed",
  "creationTime": "2025-01-10T11:58:09Z",
  "startTime": "2025-01-10T11:58:09Z",
  "completed": 0,
  "running": 0,
  "ready": 0,
  "failed": 4,
  "conditions": [
      "type": "Failed",
      "status": "True",
      "reason": "BackoffLimitExceeded",
      "message": "Job has reached the specified backoff limit",
      "lastProbeTime": "2025-01-10T12:01:13Z",
      "lastTransitionTime": "2025-01-10T12:01:13Z"
  "pods": [
      "name": "EXAMPLE-NAME-POD-NAME",
      "status": "Failed",
      "creationTime": "2025-01-10T12:00:44Z",
      "startTime": "2025-01-10T12:00:44Z",
      "reason": null,
      "containerStatus": {
        "image": "",
        "imageID": "...",
        "name": "sigrid-importer",
        "ready": false,
        "started": false,
        "state": {
          "type": "terminated",
          "reason": "Error",
          "startedAt": "2025-01-10T12:00:45Z",
          "finishedAt": "2025-01-10T12:01:10Z",
          "exitCode": 1
      "conditions": [
          "type": "PodReadyToStartContainers",
          "status": "False",
          "reason": null,
          "message": null,
          "lastProbeTime": null,
          "lastTransitionTime": "2025-01-10T12:01:12Z"

The endpoints discussed in this section are thin wrappers around the equivalent endpoints of the Kubernetes API, see the Kubernetes documentation for a detailed discussion of the response properties.

Manually publishing a system to Sigrid

It is also possible to manually start an analysis, and then publish the analysis results to Sigrid. You can use this option when your system doesn’t have a pipeline, or when you need to import a system in Sigrid ad-hoc.

We recommend you integrate Sigrid CI into your pipeline. This ensures the results you see in Sigrid are always “live”, since the analysis will run after every commit. It also allows for developers to receive Sigrid feedback directly in their pull requests.

You can run the analysis and publish the analysis results using the same Docker container. If you run Sigrid CI ad-hoc, you will still need to provide the environment variables. Since there are quite some environment variables, it’s easiest to use Docker’s --env-file option for this. This option is explained in the Docker documentation.

The following example shows how to start an ad-hoc analysis for a system located in a local /mysystem directory:

docker run \
  --env-file sigrid-ci-config.txt \
  -v /mysystem:/tmp/sources \
  -ti softwareimprovementgroup/sigrid-multi-analyzer:$SIGRID_VERSION \

This requires you to have access to the Sigrid On-Premise Docker containers.

The version tag ($SIGRID_VERSION) should match your version of Sigrid on-premise.

Optional: connection to source code repositories

To set up the Helm charts, please follow the instructions provided here.

For manual system publishing, you need to supply additional environment variables beyond those mentioned here.

Please provide the following environment variables:

Contact and support

Feel free to contact SIG’s support department for any questions or issues you may have after reading this document, or when using Sigrid or Sigrid CI. Users in Europe can also contact us by phone at +31 20 314 0953.