Sigrid on-premise: Helm Chart configuration

This documentation is specific to the on-premise version of Sigrid. This does not apply to the software-as-a-service version of Sigrid, which can be accessed via and is used by the vast majority of Sigrid users

This documentation describes how to configure on-premise Sigrid, so you can deploy it into a user-provided Kubernetes cluster using a Helm chart provided by SIG.

To use this Helm chart, it needs to be configured by providing your own values.yaml, as is typical for Helm. The current page describes how to deploy Sigrid on-premise in terms of the available configuration options in values.yaml. It is based on the example-values.yaml file available in the Helm chart, which provides examples of typical configuration values.

We strongly recommend to use the example-values.yaml file next to this documentation page, as the example-values.yaml file provides additional, important details.

Sigrid’s Helm chart is distributed via a private Docker Hub registry, together with the Docker images that make up Sigrid, as described below.


Sigrid requires:

Optional dependencies:

(A) Docker image registry

Sigrid consists of a number of Docker images, which the Software Improvement Group (SIG) distributes via Docker Hub. Upon becoming a SIG on-premise customer, users get credentials to access the private part of this registry.

It is possible to directly pull from this registry by specifying it globally:

  imageRegistry: ""
  # Needed because is private:
    - ...

The Helm chart gives precedence to the values for registry and repository set specifically for each component and falls back to the global imageRegistry if needed. Keep in mind that some sub-charts behave in a different way, or do not honor imageRegistry at all.

For air-gapped Sigrid on-premise deployments, images are typically pulled regularly to an internal image registry first; the (air-gapped) Kubernetes cluster then pulls from this registry. In this case, it is best to point the global imageRegistry setting to the internal image registry. It is, however, always possible to set the registry per component of Sigrid by using one or more of the following settings:

    registry: "my-registry"
    repository: "alternative-image-name"
    tag: "some-tag"

Sigrid on-premise needs access to the following images published on [SIG’s private Docker Hub] (

For the avoidance of doubt: the AI Explanation Service (last image in the list) does NOT contact any LLM by default. It just serves pre-computed explanations.

(B) DNS (sub-)domain to run Sigrid on

Sigrid needs a (sub-)domain to run on, e.g. This (sub-)domain needs to be configured using global configuration options:

    - host: ""
        enabled: true
        secretName: "SOME-NAME"

In this fragment, SOME-NAME is the name of a Kubernetes secret containing the TLS certificate of the provided (sub-)domain. The Helm chart creates one Ingress resource which routes traffic to a nginx deployment which routes traffic to the correct APIs. The configuration for this Ingress can be found at nginx.ingress where any needed annotations can be added, or the IngressClass can be set.

While technically, TLS can be disabled in the Helm chart, in practice it is required for any host except localhost. The reason is that Sigrid uses OAuth2 / OpenID Connect; the respective standards state that TLS is mandatory for all hosts except localhost. OAuth2/OpenID Connect compliant products typically follow this requirement. As a concrete example, several IdPs refuse to register callback URLs that do not start with https unless the host is localhost or 127. 0.0.1.

(C) PostgreSQL

Analysis results are stored in a PostgreSQL database server (or cluster in PostgreSQL terms), and consequently, PostgreSQL is a non-optional dependency of Sigrid. Typically, deployments use a PostgreSQL instance outside the Kubernetes cluster and consequently not managed by Helm.

For Postgres, we support the latest 2 major versions. You can track the Postgres version history in this overview.

This page assumes that a properly initialized PostgreSQL server is available and reachable from the Kubernetes cluster. In the Helm chart configuration, a number of mandatory settings need to be provided:

In PostgreSQL, users and roles are global at the PostgreSQL cluster (a.k.a. instance/server) level. The initialization script creates the following users and roles:

In addition, when first importing a system, Sigrid creates a role called PARTNER_CUSTOMER_role, where PARTNER and CUSTOMER are placeholders for the configured partner and customer role. In case any of these users or roles already exists in the cluster, the initialization script or the first import fails.

Database users are created together with an initial database schema by initialization scripts provided by the Helm chart. The relevant files are sigriddb-init and authdb-init, and optionally metricsuser-init. They are present in the sigrid-stack/files directory of the Helm chart.

Kubernetes secrets

Various parts of Sigrid need credentials to be able to connect to other parts. For instance, several of the microservices need to be able to connect to a PostgreSQL instance. Sigrid’s Helm chart uses Kubernetes secrets for this, in the following way: the Helm chart can either create this secret, or use a reference to an existing secret created outside the chart.

A concrete example is provided in the next section.

Configuring database access

One of the components that needs access to PostgreSQL is AuthAPI, which expects that it can get database access credentials via a Kubernetes secret. One way to configure this is as follows:

        url: "jdbc:postgresql://"
        username: "webapp-user"
        password: "S3cr3t"

The above configuration results in the Helm chart rendering a Kubernetes secret containing the JDBC connection string, username and password. Obviously, a values.yaml should not contain a cleartext password, typically setting the password interactively using the Helm CLI is preferred helm install <name> <chart> --set"S3cr3t").

The other option is to create a Kubernetes secret elsewhere and reference it. Suppose the name of this secret is postgresql-sigridauthdb, then the configuration is:

      create: false
      secretName: postgresql-sigridauthdb

The secret created elsewhere needs to use the same keys as the secret that the Helm chart would create (in the above example: keys url, username and password). The example-values.yaml and Helm chart values.yaml contain the details for each secret.

(D) Identity provider

The on-premise version of Sigrid only supports single-sign-on (SSO); it does not maintain users by itself. Hence, a connection to an identity provider (IdP) is mandatory and needs to be configured in the Helm chart.

The only supported protocol is OpenID Connect and consequently, it is best if an IdP compatible with OpenID Connect is available (e.g., Okta or Auth0). While Microsoft Entra also supports OpenID Connect, it is currently not possible to connect to Microsoft Entra directly. Instead, a bridge needs to be used, such as Keycloak or Dex. The latter is provided by Sigrid’s Helm chart as an option.

Note that for on-premise deployments, using SAML is only possible via a bridge such as [Dex] ( Consequently, SIG’s documentation for connecting hosted Sigrid to an IdP does not apply.

Configuring an identity provider (IdP) is a two-step process:

  1. Register an OpenID Connect client in the IdP.
  2. Configure the client in Sigrid’s Helm chart.

Step 1: Register an OpenID Connect (OIDC) client in the IdP

We refer to the documentation of the IdP on how to register an OIDC client/app. This is often called “Add an OIDC application” or “Create an OIDC integration” in the documentation.

You typically need to provide a redirect URI (also called “login callback URL”). For on-premise Sigrid, this is always https://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/rest/auth/login/oauth2/code/sigridmfa, where YOUR_DOMAIN.COM is a placeholder for the (sub)domain on which the on-premise deployment of Sigrid will be hosted and configured as described in Section B in this document.

Registering an OpenID Connect client/app results in a client ID and client secret, which are generated by the IdP. We’ll need those in the next step.

Note that many IdPs allow configuration of the information provided to clients in the OIDC identity token. Sigrid expects that this token reveals the email address, first name and last name of the user.

Step 2: Configure the client in Sigrid’s Helm chart

For auth-api, the OIDC client needs to be configured. This is covered by the oauth2 tree in values.yaml:

    - host: ""                            <-- Note 1
        enabled: true
          issuer-uri: ""             <-- Note 2
          jwk-set-uri: ""
          create: true                                         <-- Note 3
            client-id: "PASTE_HERE"                            <-- Note 4
            client-secret: "PASTE_HERE"
            scope: "openid,email,profile,groups"
          issuer-uri: ""


  1. The first host from global.hosts is used for the redirect URI: if the redirect URI isn’t overridden elsewhere in values.yaml, the redirect UIR is taken from this host. In the example here, it would be
  2. These are obviously just examples. The issuer URI of many IdPs are not just a hostname, but also include a path, e.g. The jwk-set-uri doesn’t always end in jwks.json, but can be anything else e.g. keys.
  3. create: true indicates that the Helm chart will create a secret holding the client ID and client secret. The alternative is to create a secret yourself, in which case you’d reference the name of that secret here using secretName.
  4. The client ID and secret provided by your IdP need to be pasted here.

(E) Access to an S3-compatible object store

Access to an S3-compatible object store is mandatory for Sigrid, but only for the pipeline jobs that analyze systems and upload results to Sigrid. Hence, no S3 configuration is needed in the Helm chart.

(F) Optional: connection to source code repositories

In on-premise deployments, source code analyzed by Sigrid is never copied over (uploaded) to Sigrid. Consequently, to view source code fragments in Sigrid’s UI, Sigrid needs to be able to access the API of the code repository in which the code lives. This is best illustrated with an example.

Sigrid can connect to GitLab, GitHub and Azure DevOps, each via OAuth2. This requires to first configure the code repository as an OAuth2 provider:

The newly created client registration can then be configured in the Helm chart like so:

      enabled: true
      secret: true
            issuer-uri:              <-- Note 1
            base-url:                <-- Note 2
            type: gitlab                                            <-- Note 3
            client-id: SOME_ID                                      <-- Note 4
            client-secret: SOME_SECRET
            client-authentication-method: client_secret_post
            authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
              - read_repository
            provider: gitlab-onprem-provider                        <-- Note 5


  1. In this example, source code is stored in an on-premise Gitlab instance, which is the provider in OAuth2 terms.
  2. The base URL is used to access the API of the code repository. It is often, but not always, equal to the issuer URI.
  3. Must be gitlab, github, or azure-devops.
  4. The client ID and secret are determined by the code repository, typically when creating the registration. See for instance the relevant GitLab documentation.
  5. Sigrid is registered as an OAuth2 client at the provider configured above with name gitlab-onprem. 0 → 100644 + 125 − 0


Running Sigrid analyzes on-premise

For most SIG customers, Sigrid is a hosted service provided by SIG at Consequently, source code that Sigrid needs to analyze needs to be uploaded to Sigrid first. However, Sigrid is also available for deployment on a user-provided Kubernetes cluster. In that case, no source code upload is needed, and running an analysis takes a different form, as described in this document.

For the avoidance of doubt, “Uploading your source code to Sigrid” does not apply to on-premise deployments.


Sigrid’s analyses require access to an S3-compatible object store. This can be Amazon’s implementation, or an on-premise equivalent that supports Amazon’s S3 API, such as MinIO or Ceph.

Sigrid’s analysis image includes the official AWS CLI to access the object store (this CLI is compatible with MinIO). Typically, in a CI/CD environment, the AWS CLI uses environment variables to hold an access key. Consequently, typically the following environment variables need to be set:

Configuring pipeline jobs

For on-premise solutions, we expect that source code is analyzed in a job in a CI/CD pipeline. In this document, we use GitLab as the example CI/CD environment. As analysis is based on a Docker image, any CI/CD environment that can run Docker containers will do.

The following GitLab job illustrates how to run an analysis:

    # Pulls from the private part of SIG's registry at Docker Hub; you may need to log in first, or replace this with the image name as cached in your internal registry:
    name: softwareimprovementgroup/sigrid-multi-analysis-import:1.0.20241003
    # These are all environment variables. For defaults, see the table below.
    # Note that typically, all environment variables marked as "shared" in the table
    # below would be set globally in the CI/CD environment:
    CUSTOMER: company_name
    POSTGRES_HOST_AND_PORT: some-host:5432
    POSTGRES_PASS: secret
    SIGRID_DB: sigriddb
    SIGRID_URL: ''
    S3_ENDPOINT: ''
    S3_BUCKET: some-bucket
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: some-id
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: also-secret
    AWS_REGION: us-east-1
    - ./ --publish

Note that the image name contains an explicit Docker image tag (1.0.20241003 in this example). It is important that the tag matches the tags used in Sigrid’s Helm chart: all components of Sigrid must always use the same version. SIG recommends using an environment-wide variable instead of hardcoding the tag.

In GitLab, a CI/CD pipeline job with an image property starts the named Docker image, mounts a directory into it where it (automatically) checks out the source code of the current project, and runs the command(s) provided in the script tag. Other CI/CD environments provide a similar structure, although details may differ:

The script takes one optional command line parameter:

In addition, the script is configured with environment variables. The following table lists all environment variables with their defaults, if any. All that do not have a default value are required. We distinguish two types of environment variables:

Variable Shared? Default
SIGRID_DB Yes sigriddb
AWS_REGION Yes us-east-1


Contact and support

Feel free to contact SIG’s support department for any questions or issues you may have after reading this document, or when using Sigrid or Sigrid CI. Users in Europe can also contact us by phone at +31 20 314 0953.