Analysis scope configuration

You can change Sigrid’s configuration for your project, to make Sigrid’s feedback as useful and actionable as possible. We call this configuration “the scope”, and customizing the configuration for your system is sometimes referred to as “scoping”.

Starting with your Sigrid configuration

You configure Sigrid by creating a file called sigrid.yaml in the root of your repository. When you publish your repository to Sigrid, it will pick up the sigrid.yaml file.

The sigrid.yaml file supports a lot of options to configure and customize Sigrid. And we mean a lot of options, as you can see from the length of this page!

The following example shows a minimal sigrid.yaml file that should help you to get started:

  - name: TypeScript
  - name: JavaScript
  blocklist: ["NONE"]
  enabled: true

So what do these options actually do?

If you’re not sure what technologies you repository is using, and you’re using a development platform like GitHub or GitLab, you can find this information on your repository’s dashboard page. For example, this GitHub repository would result in the list of technologies used in the example above:

Of course, you can always extend this simple example by adding additional configuration. The remainder of this page describes the various configuration options and how to use them.

Editing scope files

Since scope files are part of your repository, you can edit them using your preferred text editor. Sigrid scope configuration files are registered with, which means you get IDE features like content assist and error detection while you’re editing the file.

Excluding files and directories

Sigrid will exclude common patterns by default. For example, directories like build, dist, and target typically contain build output and are not part of the source code. Directories like node_modules contain open source libraries and are not part of the application’s own source code. Those directories are therefore ignored during the analysis.

It is possible to extend this list with project-specific files and directories that should also be excluded. The exclude section in the YAML file contains a list of regular expressions for paths to ignore. For example, .*[.]out[.]js will exclude all files with a name ending in .out.js from the analysis. Adding .*/simulator/.* will exclude everything in a path that contains the directory /simulator/.

Note that it is not necessary to exclude files and directories that would not be analyzed anyway.

Patterns are defined using regular expressions, as explained in the next section.

Defining include and exclude patterns

Various options across the scope configuration file allow you to define include and exclude patterns. At first glance, many people expect these patterns to behave like Glob patterns (for example *.py), but Sigrid actually uses regular expressions instead. The reason for this is fairly straightforward: regular expressions are more flexible, which is relevant considering the large number of technologies and conventions that Sigrid needs to support.

The following example specifies a component that includes all .js and .jsx files with a path that includes the frontend directory, except files ending with .spec.jsx:

- name: "Our new React website"
  - ".*/frontend/.*[.]jsx?"
  - ".*[.]spec[.]jsx?" #excluding all `spec.js` files from this component, wherever they are; alternatively, limiting to files within a `/frontend/` directory tree, `.*/frontend/.*[.]spec[.]js`

When you specify both include and exclude patterns, the exclude patterns take precedence. In this example, the file frontend/home.jsx would be included, but the file frontend/example.spec.jsx would be excluded. This is much easier and maintainable than trying .*(?<![.]spec)[.]jsx? under include, even though that would work.

Since we know that spec.js files are meant to be test files, what you probably want in this case is to make this distinction according to its context:

- name: "Our new React website"
    - ".*/frontend/.*[.]jsx?"
    - ".*[.]spec[.]jsx?"

As a convention, all include and exclude patterns always start with .*/. It is tempting to always define patterns relative to the root of the codebase, but it is important to realize that what is considered the “root” is flexible in Sigrid. Depending on how you map your repositories to systems, the root of your repository might not match the root of the Sigrid system that contains your repository. Starting all patterns .*/ will avoid confusion in such situations.

Files ending up in Remainder while YAML pattern seems correct? Please check for non-printing characters in the YAML file

In some cases, non-printing characters (such as zero-width space characters) end up in YAML files after editing. They are troublesome because they are processed literally by Sigrid. Therefore, a pattern that you have defined might not match in Sigrid, while there does not seem to be a visible problem. This is because not all editors allow you to see non-printing characters, e.g. Gitlab does not (currently).

However, Sigrid’s Code explorer (see its help page) will actually print this as a space character. Also, depending on the markup setting of your editor, a zero-width space character may be visible e.g. as U+200B or ​<0x200b>, depending on encoding settings.

Other common tips and caveats when using regular expressions to define patterns

Defining technologies

The languages section lists all languages that you want Sigrid to analyze:

  - name: Csharp
  - name: Java
  - name: Python
  - name: Typescript

Refer to the first column in the list of supported technologies for an overview of all supported technologies and the names that can be used.

Overriding automatic technology and test code detection

When you add a technology to your scope file, Sigrid will try to locate the corresponding files based on file and directory name conventions. This includes automatic detection of test code. For example, Java-based projects typically use src/main/java for production code and src/test/java for test code.

This automatic detection is usually sufficient for the majority of projects. However, if you are using less common frameworks or a custom naming convention, you will need to tell Sigrid where it can find the test code. Like other parts of the scope file, this is done using regular expressions:

  - name: Java
        - ".*/our-smoke-tests/.*[.]java"

This example will classify all Java code in the our-smoke-tests directory as test code.

If you choose to manually override the technology detection, be aware that every file must match a single technology. Defining overlapping patterns, where multiple technologies “claim” the same file, will result in an error.

Defining components

By default, Sigrid will automatically detect your system’s component structure based on SIG’s knowledge base. Those components and sub-components will then be used across Sigrid.

In some cases, you might want to customize the component structure. For example, you might be using a project-specific component structure, or you might be using technologies for which the component structure is not yet part of SIG’s knowledge base. In these situations, you can manually define your components in the sigrid.yaml file.

There are multiple options for defining your components manually. We will use a simple test project to explain how each option works.

Automatic component detection

You don’t have to do anything or add configuration to make Sigrid use automatic component detection. This is what Sigrid does out-of-the-box. In other words: Automatic component detection will be used by default.

If you’re using mainstream technologies, we recommend you use Sigrid’s automatic component detection so that you don’t need to manually configure everything. Also, it will ensure your Sigrid component structure remains up-to-date, even when your project changes over time. In contrast, if you configure your components manually, you will also need to update the configuration whenever your component structure changes.

Manually define components using directory depth

component_depth: <number> will turn all directories at the specified depth into components. In the example, component_depth: 1 would result in two components: my-component and other-component. The node_modules directory will not turn into a component, as this directory contains NPM libraries and is therefore automatically excluded by Sigrid. In general, Sigrid will automatically exclude files that are not relevant, so you only need to define components for “your” code.

Manually define components using base directories

The component_base_dirs option allows you to define a list of directories, and all subdirectories within those directories will then be used as components. Components should be written literally, without regular expression patterns (e.g. \\s for an empty space). Starting- and ending forward slashes / should be omitted. Let’s try this on the example project:

  - "my-component"
  - ""

This will give you 3 components: my-sub-component-a, my-sub-component-b, and other-component. As you can see, this option is more powerful than directory_depth and allows you to create more advanced component structures like the asymmetrical structure in the example. The example also shows the downside: It’s more complicated.

Manually define components by listing file and directory patterns

If the previous options are still not powerful enough, the last option is to define a completely custom component structure:

  - name: North
      - ".*/my-sub-component-a/.*"
      - ".*/my-sub-component-b/.*"
      - ".*/b[.]py"
  - name: South
      - ".*/other-component/.*"
      - ".*/b[.]py"

As you can see, this allows you to manually define every single component. Each component can include certain directories and/or files, both of which can be specified using regular expressions.

This option is extremely flexible… but it’s also extremely maintenance intensive. Using this option means you will need to update your Sigrid configuration whenever you make changes to your project structure. We recommend you only use this option if you have extremely specific needs that cannot be addressed by any of the other options.

Configuring the SIG Maintainability Model version

By default, your configuration will use the latest version of the SIG Maintainability Model, which is based on the ISO 25010 standard for software product quality.

You can customize this by adding a model entry to your configuration. For example, adding model: "2020" will analyze your system using the 2020 of the SIG Maintainability Model. You can use this option to ensure your system is analyzed using a specific version of the model. However, in most cases you’ll want to use the latest version, as the SIG Maintainability Model is recalibrated on a yearly basis to reflect industry best practices.

Open Source Health

Note: This requires a Sigrid license for Open Source Health. Without this license, you will not be able to see security results in Sigrid.

Open Source Health allows you to scan all open sources libraries used by your system, and identify risks such as security vulnerabilities or heavily outdated libraries.

  - ".*companyname.*"
  transitive: false
    - ".*/scripts/.*"

The dependencychecker section supports the following options:

Option name Required? Description
blocklist Yes List of library names that should not be scanned. Typically used to ignore internal libraries.
transitive No When true, also scans the dependencies of your dependencies. Defaults to false.
exclude No List of file/directory patterns that should be excluded from the Open Source Health analysis.
model No SIG Open Source Health model version that should be used for the analysis, defaults to latest.

Please Note: dependency exclusions may be necessary in case your system resolves internal dependencies that could expose organization- or system name based on their internal URI. Therefore, as part of the onboarding process, please inform SIG of any such naming conventions that should be filtered. See also this question in the FAQ on dependency filtering.

Exclude Open Source Health risks

In certain situations you can decide to exclude Open Source Health risks. This is done using the exclude option, which can be used in multiple different ways:

    - ".*companyname.*"
    - ".*/scripts/.*" # Shorthand notation, same as the "path" option below.
    - path: ".*/tools/.*" # Excludes all libraries found in files matching the specified path.
    - vulnerability: "CVE-2024-12345" # Excludes all vulnerabilities with the specified identifier.
    - license: "iTextSharp" # Excludes license risks for the specified library.
    - activity: "com.github.tomas-langer:chalk" # Excludes activity risks for the specified library.

Libraries and/or findings that are excluded using this option will not count towards the Open Source Health star rating, and will not be marked as risks in Sigrid.


Note: This requires a Sigrid license for Software Security. Without this license, you will not be able to see security results in Sigrid.

Third Party Findings

Sigrid uses a combination of its own security checks and security checks performed by third party tools. It then combines the results, benchmarks them, and reports on the overall results. As an example, the following configuration options are available to include or exclude certain code and/or security analyzers:

  enabled: true
    - ".*/scripts/.*[.]sh"
    - "Google ErrorProne"
    - "SemGrep"
    - "VMWare CSA"

This thirdpartyfindings section in the scope file supports the following options:

Option name Required? Description
enabled Yes Set to true to enable security analysis.
exclude No List of file/directory patterns that should be excluded from the security analysis.
disabled_rules No List of rule IDs that should be ignored during analysis.
disabled_analyzers No List of specific scanning tools that should be ignored during analysis.
enabled_analyzers No List of specific scanning tools to enable (if not enabled by default).

Excluding security rules

The disabled_rules and disabled_analyzers both allow you to customize which security rules are used during the analysis. The disabled_rules option allows you to disable individual rules, if you consider them too “noisy” or not applicable for your system.

If you want to exclude a certain rule and add it to the disabled_rules list, you can find the corresponding rule ID in Sigrid’s finding page:

The disabled_analyzers option is simular, but allows you to disable all rules produced by a specific analysis tool. You can see the list of enabled analyzers in your Sigrid security overview, if you group by finding and then by origin. For the list of all supported analyzers, see the technology support section.

Architecture Quality

Architecture Quality is available by default. However, you can still use the various scope file options to customize your analysis. The options related to architecture live in the architecture section in the scope file.

  # options go here

The architecture section of the scope file supports the following options:

Option Required Description
model No SIG Architecture Quality Model that should be used for the analysis, defaults to latest.
exclude No See Excluding files and directories for Architecture Quality.
custom_components No See Components in Maintainability versus components in Architecture Quality.
add_dependencies No See Manually specifying architecture dependencies.
remove_dependencies No See Manually specifying architecture dependencies.
undesirable_dependencies No See Highlighting undesirable dependencies.
add_system_elements No See Manually specifying architecture elements.
grouping No See Grouping and annotating components in Architecture Quality.
history_period_months No See Analyzing your repository history.
history_start No See Analyzing your repository history.
history_end No See Analyzing your repository history.

Components in Maintainability versus components in Architecture Quality

By default, Sigrid will automatically detect your system’s component structure. This applies to all Sigrid capabilities, so the automatically detected component structure will also be used for Architecture Quality.

However, it is possible to manually override the component structure. If you do this, the manually defined components only apply to the Maintainability capability, and are not automatically picked up by the Architecture Quality capability. If you also want to override the component structure for Architecture Quality, you will need to explicitly add the following option:

  custom_components: true

As explained in the section on defining components, we recommend you use the automatic component detection.

Analyzing your repository history

Architecture Quality analyzes both your source code and the repository history. See the frequently asked questions for architecture quality for more information on how the repository history is analyzed.

When you publish your repository history to Sigrid, it is automatically picked up by the Architecture Quality analysis without needing further configuration. By default, Sigrid will analyze the repository history for the last year. If you want to change this to a different period, you can manually specify the time period that should be analyzed:

  history_period_months: 6

This example will change the default period of 12 months, and instead analyze only analyze the last 6 months of history. If you want to go even further, it is also possible to define an exact start date:

  history_start: "2023-01-01"

Manually removing architecture dependencies

Sigrid’s dependency detection is based on statis analysis and heuristics. This means that, unfortunately, Sigrid will occasionally detect depenencies that aren’t really there. It is possible to override the analysis and remove these dependencies in the configuration:

    - source: "frontend"
      target: "backend"

This will remove all dependencies from the component called “frontend” to the component called “backend”. This works for both dependencies between top-level components and dependencies between sub-components. Also, the source and target options support regular expressions, so you can easily remove all dependencies matching a certain pattern.

When dependencies are removed, they are removed across Sigrid: They will no longer show in the architecture view, they will no longer show in the the Code Explorer, and they will no longer counts towards the ratings.

Manually specifying architecture dependencies

Although Sigrid supports hundreds of technologies, there is always the possibility that Sigrid doesn’t automatically detect the dependencies for your particular framework. It is therefore possible to manually define additional dependencies, which will be added on top of the automatic dependency detection:

    - source: backend
      target: frontend
      type: code_call

The names for the source and target fields are the same you see in Sigrid’s user interface. The type field indicates the type of dependency that should be added, for example a code call versus an interface call. The list of supported dependency types can be found in the Architecture Quality documentation.

Excluding files and directories for Architecture Quality

The architecture section in the configuration has its own exclude option, which can be used to exclude certain files and directories from the Architecture Quality analysis.

    - ".*/index[.]ts"

The list of exclude patterns works in the same way as the global, top-level exclude option. The difference is the global option excludes files and directories from all Sigrid capabilities, and the architecture exclude option excludes them from Architecture Quality but not from other Sigrid capabilities. See the pattern section for more information on writing these patterns.

Highlighting undesirable dependencies

Architecture Quality allows you to mark certain dependencies as undesirable. You can configure which dependencies should be considered undesirable:

    - source: "backend"
      target: "legacy"

This example will mark all dependencies from the “backend” component to the “legacy” component as “undesirable”. The source and target options support regular expressions, for situations where you want to mark all dependencies matching a certain pattern as undesirable.

It is possible to combine the undesirale_dependencies with the grouping option. This allows for some power user workflows: where you first define groups based on your target architecture, and then define how those groups should communicate with each other.

You can also use additional options to be more specific about which type of dependencies are undesirable:

    - source: "backend"
      target: "legacy"
      bidirectional: true
      type: code_call

Adding bidirectional: true means the dependencies are undesirable in both directions. This is basically a shorthand notation so that you do not have to configure both A -> B and B -> A separately. The type option can be used to only consider certain types of dependencies. In the example, since one type has been defined, code dependencies are undesirable but other types (such as interface dependencies) are still allowed. The list of supported dependency types can be found in the Architecture Quality documentation.

Manually specifying architecture elements

The term “system element” is used for all information that is depicted as “blocks” in the Architecture Quality view. Common examples are components, files, or databases. Normally, this detection of system elements is based on Sigrid’s code analysis. However, it is possible to extend the list of system elements in the configuration. This is intended for situations where the architecture view would become considerably more clear by adding some context, but this context cannot be detected automatically.

  - name: accounts
    type: code_component

The following example adds a component called “accounts” to the architecture view. Refer to the Architecture Quality documentation for an overview of all supported sytem element types. This same option can also be used to manually add architecture observations that are then visualized in Sigrid.

Grouping and annotating components in Architecture Quality

You can define architecture groups and annotations, and these annotations are then displayed on top of the architecture visualization. As with the other customization options, this is done in the configuration:

    - name: "Title of my architecture group"
        - some_component
        - other_component
      annotation: "Slightly longer text that adds more context beyond just the name."

The contents of the include option refer to the component names you see in Architecture Quality. You can either use the exact component names, or you can use regular expressions. For example, using target: backend.* will match all components that have a name starting with “backend”. Note you are matching the component name, not the files within the component.

Enabling experimental analysis features

If you add experimental: true to your scope file, you opt in for enabling experimental analysis features before they become generally available. The exact list of which features are considered “experimental” is constantly in flux, and is therefore not explicitly included in this documentation. You can enable this option if you prefer to use new features immediately.

Configuring multi-repo systems

Sigrid allows you to create “multi-repo systems” that are the combination of multiple repositories in your development environment. In this situation, each individual repository within the system is referred to as a “subsystem”. Such a view is more high-level than looking at individual repositories, and is sometimes a better fit if you want to align on Sigrid findings with stakeholders from outside the development organization.

Since multi-repo systems are used to create a shared view, they also require shared objectives and a shared configuration. The latter creates an obvious problem: if the configuration file is normally located in the root of the repository, how does that work when there are multiple repositories?

In such a situation, you can use Sigrid CI to manage the shared configuration:

Managing the scope configuration file separate from your repository

We recommend you add sigrid.yaml to your repository, so that it is automatically in sync with the source code and part of versions control. However, is it possible to retrieve and/or update the scope configuration file without making the sigrid.yaml file part of your repository.

Sigrid metadata

sigrid.yaml is used for analysis configuration. It is also possible to configure Sigrid metadata. See the Sigrid metadata section for the various ways you can update this metadata.

Contact and support

Feel free to contact SIG’s support department for any questions or issues you may have after reading this document, or when using Sigrid or Sigrid CI. Users in Europe can also contact us by phone at +31 20 314 0953.