
Runbook: Sigrid On-Premise Updating

This documentation covers on-premise Sigrid. It is not applicable for cloud-based Sigrid.

This documentation offers useful context on how to keep on-premise Sigrid up-to-date, making it an excellent starting point for ongoing maintenance.


Update Frequency

We update container images daily for immediate improvements. The Helm chart is updated less frequently, only when new features or significant changes are released. This ensures you get rapid updates while maintaining chart stability.

Update Instructions

  1. Pull the latest Docker containers:
    VERSION=<REPLACE-WITH-LATEST-VERSION> # e.g. `1.0.20250206`
    for IMAGE in ai-explanation-service auth-api-db-migration auth-api quality-model-service \
             sigrid-api-db-migration sigrid-api sigrid-frontend sigrid-multi-analyzer \
             sigrid-multi-importer survey-service; do
      docker pull softwareimprovementgroup/${IMAGE}:${VERSION}
      docker tag softwareimprovementgroup/${IMAGE}:${VERSION} ${INTERNAL_REGISTRY_BASE}/softwareimprovementgroup/${IMAGE}:${VERSION}
  2. Pull the latest Helm chart:
   helm pull oci:// --version <latest tag>
  1. Update the ImageTag in the global section of the Helm chart’s values file (usually custom-values.yaml):
  1. Apply the updates using Helm:
   helm upgrade --install sigrid-onprem ./sigrid-stack -n sigrid --values ./sigrid-stack/custom-values.yaml

Test Instructions

  1. After updating, verify that all pods are running:
  2. Check the logs of key services for any errors
  3. Access the Sigrid frontend and perform basic operations to ensure functionality.
  4. Run a test analysis on a sample project to verify the entire pipeline is working correctly. If any issues are encountered during testing, consider rolling back to the previous version and contacting support.

Additional System Maintenance

In addition to updating Sigrid components, it’s important to maintain other systems that Sigrid depends on:

The update frequency for these systems should be determined based on your organization’s needs and policies. However, it’s crucial to keep these systems up-to-date to ensure optimal performance, security, and compatibility with Sigrid.

Note: Specific update instructions for PostgreSQL and and other systems are not provided here, as they can vary depending on your setup and chosen systems. Please refer to the official documentation of these systems for proper update procedures.

Contact and support

Feel free to contact SIG’s support department for any questions or issues you may have after reading this document, or when using Sigrid or Sigrid CI. Users in Europe can also contact us by phone at +31 20 314 0953.